3.1 Unit container or unit package: the first tie, wrap, o r container applied
to a single item, a quantity of the same item, a set, or an item with all its
component parts. The unit package constitutes a complete and identifiable
package containing the unit of issue of a product for ultimate use (also
called a primary package).
3.2 Consumer package: a primary package or container (which may be enclosed
in a secondary package or container) designed to contain, store, and protect
from the point of manufacture to the point of use, a product intended for
household or individual use and or retail sale.
3.3 Intermediate container or package : a wrap, box, or bundle (that is, a
container) that contains two or more unit packages of identical items (also
called a secondary package ).
3.4 Transport package: exterior: shipping container or package used to
protect goods during the process of distribution (handling, storage and
transportation). A container that is sufficiently strong to be used in
commerce for packing, storing, and shipping commodities, such as a box,
barrel, crate, or drum. Transport packages delivered to a GSA Distribution
Center(s), for the purposes of this standard, shall be capable of re -
distribution using small parcel carrier service without further packaging.
3.5 Unit Load: unitized load in packaging, consisting of articles or
containers secured together so as to be handled as an entity.
In distribution, an item or assembly of items assembled or restrained for
handling and transportation as a single entity such as a palletized unit load
fixed to a pallet. The unit load shall not be confused as a transport
package; each transport package consolidated on a pallet shall be marked in
accordance with section 4.1.2.
3.6 Industrial package or packaging : a package or packaging used for the
transportation or stora ge of commodities, the contents of which are not meant
for retail sale without being repackaged. This packaging is of partially
manufactured or finished goods for distribution from manufacturer to
manufacturer, and to users other than retail customers.
3.7 Human readable interpretation (HRI) or in-the-clear wording: An exact,
literal interpretation of the encoded Barcode data presented in a human -
readable font without hyphens. Note: HRI is usually found directly under the
Barcode data.
3.8 Item name (Nomenclature): The exact name and description of an item as it
appears in the contract, purchase order or requisition shall be shown.
3.9 Purchase Order number (PO): A series of letters and numbers assigned to
the purchase agreement between the vendor and Fed eral Acquisition Service
3.10 Packing List: The packing list shall identify the contents of products
contained in the transport package. DD Form 1348 may be used as a requisition
request and packing list. The packing list shall contain a requisiti on
number, order number or ticket number as appropriate to the method of sale.